Social Media

(God damn Ivory is so nice to use. And I don’t even have cause to post a lot of stuff at the moment. But even “just” as a reader it’s so amazing. I find myself wanting to use it.)

Boosts on mastodon are great for discovering new accounts you might like to follow and terrible because you see people you definitely don’t want to follow.

I now have a Mastodon account at I probably will end up mostly crossposting content from my there, but I will play it by ear.

It’s kinda funny: I tried to write this blog post three times already. The first two times I was going to say, that I was not going to get a Mastodon account just because I wanted to try out Ivory. But I guess being unable to publish said post was a sign (right?).

So yeah. I’m very excited about trying this new thing or these new things, really: Mastodon, Ivory and