Even though I use it at times - we are kinda meant to at work; see also my latest stance vis-a-vis this topic - reading about AI and the gushing nonsensical optimism around it makes me so sad. I guess this is my stop? Is this where I’m supposed to be getting off this technological enthusiast train?

(chuckles) I’m in danger.

(I’m not. We are save here. But it sounds impressive.)

<img src=“https://cdn.uploads.micro.blog/44388/2024/cleanshot-2024-10-10-at-18.26.502x.png" alt=“A screenshot of a “severe wind warning”, by way of the apple weather app, in the northorn bay of bothnia (near Oulu, where I live) tomorrow (October 11). It says under severity: “Significant threat to life or property”.” width=“600” height=“437” />

I now own an anker 3-in-1 charger thingy and it’s the first time in a long time that I have a “dock” for my phone. Love it! I love having a dedicated location for the phone (and the watch and my air pods…). Keeps the desk clean - or at least makes it easier to clean. And wireless charging is great, too. 5/5 would recommend.

I seem to be my most productive web developer self, if I strip away any kind of styling whatsoever. Just write very basic html while writing the backend. THEN style. Doing both at the same time just never works right. I assume it’s too many spinning plates.

The new fridge is here. After weeks of living with a replacement fridge in the home office room it’s time for a properly sized fridge in the kitchen once more. 🥳

First Day of using DayOne again after my latest entry before that was from April 2018. But I yearn for a more prosaic and removed writing environment for my diary. Obsidian is my work horse, but I’d like to explore using a dedicated journaling app.

I’m probably in the minority, but I actually do like discord. I enjoy the more private community aspect that you get. That’s perfect for something like podcasts, streamer communities, etc.

A valid point of criticism is that if you have information that ought to be discoverable using a search engine and/or has archival value, that it shouldn’t be only available in these chat silos.

Still, I do appreciate the smaller scale and its semi-privateness quite a bit.

Really!? UPS Finland sent me a message basically saying “Your shipment is coming…”. I saw the notification, but didn’t bother to open it. Why would I? Well I finally got around to reading the whole thing and it says (not their exact words): “Your shipment is coming. If you don’t reply to us, we will drop off the package in some shop some distance away, instead of sending it to your original home address, where you’re comfy and content and expect the package to come. Oh and do so before 4 p.m. Oh it’s after 4 p.m.? Sucks to be you!”

I LOVE me some small functions/methods. For work I am implementing a class that replaces occurrences of the German “SZ” ß/ẞ. Here are some of the methods:

  • replaceSz
  • includesSz
  • includesSmallSz
  • includesBigSz

Am I going too far? 😅 I feel that “mini methods” like these make code more understandable, because you only have to grok either the implementations or the composed logical blocks, but not both at the same time. Also stack traces become better and debugging is easier.