#WeblogPoMo2024 - Starting late doesn't mean not doing the thing
So I guess I'm doing the #WeblogPoMo2024 after all. It's a monthlong blogging challenge with the idea of posting every day for the month of May. From @anniegreens, the initiator of the idea:
Probably obvious from the name: this is a one-month blogging challenge! It will start May 1, 2024, and end May 31, 2024. You will post as much as you can, ideally daily, but we all have lives, so go easy on yourself. This is meant to be fun!
If you're curious, There is a participators list for the people who joined, like grown-ups on or before the first. I personally got inspired to participate because @robb posts cool things on his blog, and I want to post "cool, very much me" things, too.
I plan to publish 31 real posts (with a title and everything!) this month, and we'll see if this works or not. They don't need to be long, but they shouldn't be just a mastodon toot. I also plan on revamping my cross-posting flow and using mastodon and micro.blog a little bit more reader-friendly (meaning: less cross-posting of content without clear differentiation of where to follow and why, but I'll leave that for another post…)