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Martin Hähnel

#100DaysToOffload End of the myth of rational public discourse - The example of climate change

A couple more items that make it clear that climate change is not going to be stopped. National interests are more important than planetary problems.

Here's Noah Smith with a piece about climate change as the only policy goal and how viable that is:

But despite what many of my friends and colleagues thought back in 2017, climate change is not actually the main reason for industrial policy, nor will it be going forward. And so they are shouting into the wind.

The main reasons for this are:

In short: The changing world-political landscape makes it highly unlikely that rational arguments or strategic protests will persuade humans to change their ways (I think I'm allowed to generalize here).

And for individuals this means that we have to learn to live with ever hotter summers. As for example this professor expresses:

Youtube: Climate records keep getting shattered; expert says this is the new normal

So, yes. We can stop asking the question, how we can mobilize the public for climate change and against biodiversity loss and start asking the question how we can live in a world that is not going to bend to reason (at least at larger scales … I'll have to explain that soon in more detail).