"...will discuss our polycrisis, and the swift and holistic reform of global governance institutions that is needed to respond to these urgent transnational and planetary challenges we are facing..."
My whole live has been spent living with the apparent blindness these sentences express. Activists of the alarmist school: There is no swift and holistic reform coming! How can you be interested in change but not understand this? Or if you do: Why not be honest with fellow non-alarmist activists?
EDIT: "My whole live has been spent living with the apparent blindness these sentences express." What I mean: So many well-meaning people I have encountered - directly or indirectly - seem to believe this is possible. What is interesting: This cry for swift action, makes me think that there must be a sound argument for the plausibility of said swiftness. But those arguments never survive closer inspection (by me, that is to say: they do not seem more plausible), so it's hard to know how it would feel to be able to believe it. The only reason I know of is that it is only ever said strategically and not ever actually meant. So it's similar to what protest actually is about (not rational discourse in order to convince fellow citizens, but disruption).
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