Migration from Micro.blog
- 2025-01-29 - Added a link to make clear that it's possible to follow this blog through mastodon.
- 2025-01-30 - Linked the (now hidden from the navigation) Replies page, with a little explanation.
- 2025-02-02 - Added a "Why?" section
I have migrated my blog and with it, changed the template. This is a work-in-progress, so you'll find unfinished things and broken things.
If you do find a problem, please tell me!
I plan to make the blog available to the mb timeline natively at some point again, until then you can follow my posts through mastodon with micro.blog. Check out this post in their help forums ("How can I find Mastodon users to follow on Micro.blog?").
I wrote about it - albeit somewhat cryptically - here. In short: I don't believe I want to be associated with my old blog hoster anymore, because of the many bad takes and non-takes the person (and people) behind micro.blog have made in the past months. In my personal opinion owning up is important. Especially now (I might be in Europe, but that doesn't mean I don't care). Especially online. Especially if you are the proprietor of a social media platform - even if that platform is somewhat small. You speak for more people than only yourself, so you better speak up. But if you then finally say something, you don't tone police others or declare that something was enough, when it absolutely fucking wasn't.
Here are some posts by others that might shed light on what exactly happened:
- cygnoir.net: You don't get to decide
- annie's blog: Fuckity fuck fuck
- It’s Craney…: Leaving micro.blog - Heart View ♥️
- Coyote Tracks: The pressure to stay genteel
The weird thing is that I was using Micro.blog mostly as a way to publish my writing and some of my photos online. I was never a big community guy. The sporadic engagement I got was nice, but not the main point of paying a blog hoster. It was just an easy way to pay someone else to figure out the details. But. I do not want to be associated with people who either openly adore people I despise, or are super-cavalier about issues that I care about and/or that others care about that I respect. Because this reflects back badly at me AND indirectly sends a message to the world that I condone this behavior. I don't. Additionally, I hate when people abuse nuance and calm in order to hide behind it. I love me some calm and love having and receiving nuanced takes - it can make things appear in a fresh new light. But it shouldn't be used as a shield. But that is exactly how the people who were maintaining the platform have used these things.
So I stopped using the Micro.blog platform and moved my blog during a somewhat sleepless weekend in January of 2025. A post about my new blog setup is forthcoming.
Where is the Micro.blog Replies Page?
All micro.blog hosted blogs come with a replies page that includes all the "replies" you made to other people on the micro.blog timeline (more info). This page still exists here, but it is not implemented, yet. My goal is to at least keep my old mb replies around, but It'd be great to use this page for any and all replies made by me to other people on other socials. I'll have to see if I can figure out how to that. For now it's just an empty page though. One step at a time.
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