DailyDogo 938 🐶
DailyDogo 938 🐶
DailyDogo 937 🐶
DailyDogo 936 🐶
DailyDogo 935 🐶
DailyDogo 934 🐶
DailyDogo 933 🐶
DailyDogo 932 🐶
DailyDogo 931 🐶
DailyDogo 930 🐶
DailyDogo 929 🐶
DailyDogo 928 🐶
DailyDogo 927 🐶
DailyDogo 926 🐶
DailyDogo 925 🐶
DailyDogo 924 🐶
DailyDogo 923 🐶
DailyDogo 922 🐶
DailyDogo 921 🐶
(Having recently ranted against Manifestos, I had a reason to formulate one of my own. I hope that this personal manifesto is more productive than something like the Manifesto for a Humane Web because it is only meant for me, actually includes the steps I’ll take and doesn’t need to scale in any way.)
So, let’s just start with the obvious: I’m here to write and post dog pictures. I am a programmer with a background in the humanities. But I’m unable to devote real time to any side projects apart from writing here. So I made a decision. No more projects. Actually: Way less projects.
I am going to write regularly in way that I find challenging and engaging. I will try to be vulnerable, I will try to not hide behind a veneer of safe agreeable stances and topics.
I will try to limit and down-size non-public personal projects and ongoing areas of responsibility as well:
I am going to continue to write in private, incorporating my love for the abstract and trying to develop ideas and coming up with ways to live the small, slow life in a world that is on fire and probably will stay on fire for the rest of my lifetime.
I will try to embrace to do less things at work, too.
I am going to try to hone my craft, with an eye for quality, architecture and pragmatic professionalism. I am going to take advantage of the 4 hours per week that I am supposed to be able to use for learning and growing as a programmer.