@jsonbecker Thanks for the thoughtful reply!

I may have a slightly different definition of trying out an opinion. I don't disagree that exploring possible perspectives should by all means be permitted. I just feel that it's helpful to distinguish "figuring out what my opinion is" from "trying out what other people would do if this would be my opinion". I think consent and disclosure are somewhat important here. By flagging things appropriately people know what to expect.

Speaking of expectations: I agree that both scion and rootstock can be the source of harm (to use a slightly weird metaphor). Being aware of there being harm in either doesn't excuse us to not care for the potential harm done by either, though, right?

The big question when it comes to shifts of society like you describe with your examples for me is always: How much can you actually do? My reflex is to say: Not much. Intentions are a lag measure. That doesn't mean we shouldn't support what we think is important to create the world we want to live in - even if it's only for our own sakes - and support the people and actions the seem to us necessary to make these things more likely, but I do think this stuff is merely necessary but not sufficient to change the course of the world at large. So we'll have to live within the world in which we live, warts and all.

This implies to me that what follows from your observations is no ownership of cause and effect but recognition of our collective limitations. I don't think that we make actual choices in that way as you hope.
