Not gonna lie: The last couple of weeks in my current job have been… trying. Being annoyed always triggers anxiety in me and so this is no different. I notice it in how little I get done and in the quality of the little that I am able to do. Stuff like this is truly paralysing to me.

As exciting as app development for iOS/MacOS sounds (being an indy is actually a dream of mine), the abhorrent state of documentation AND support in case of bugs makes it much less appealing than staying in my web development lane as a corporate stooge.


Two more promising apps:

I’m a big fan of noise and music apps and podcasts for focus and sleep. Dark Noise 3 is a great one that was new to me. Especially its Green Noise sound is very soothing to me.

Sequel 2 is probably the first media tracking app, that I am actually using (for a few weeks at least). It’s easy to use and has just the right amount of bells and whistles. This works better for me than, say,, because I don’t need nor want the social network aspect and I do want to track more than just one type of media.

Forward. (Sequel 2)

Great Episode of The message of trying to stay even keeled, working for better legislation instead of engaging in shouting matches, understanding that you can’t change what has already happened (you can only work with it), not only works for AI but also for climate change.

Had the weirdest stress dream last night: I dreamt that I agreed to buy one kind of computer for my new job, but then bought another. The rest of the dream consisted of me trying to hide this fact (I am 100% remote) from my coworkers and higher ups.